Sorry, we cannot provide specific steps on how to scan the trademark patterns (which cannot be torn off) on spherical and cylindrical wine bottles, but we can provide the following relevant information:
For For spherical wine bottles, a scanner with a large enough scanning area should be selected so that the trademark pattern can be completely captured. Before scanning, the wine bottle also needs to be wiped clean to avoid stains or fingerprints from affecting the trademark pattern.
For cylindrical wine bottles, you can place them flat in the scanner and ensure that the trademark pattern is within the scannable area of ??the scanner. At the same time, the surface of the wine bottle also needs to be wiped clean to ensure that the scanned trademark pattern is clear and legible.
Generally speaking, the most direct way to keep the scanned trademark pattern consistent with the size of the original pattern is to find a scanning device with high-resolution scanning capabilities. If further resizing is required, it may be necessary to use image editing software after scanning.
It is recommended to use professional graphics processing software such as Photoshop to adjust the scanned trademark pattern. These software usually have powerful image processing functions that can accurately adjust parameters such as size, angle, color, etc.
The above information is for reference only. It is recommended to consult professional technicians or scanning equipment suppliers for more accurate information.