trade mark registration
1. Right to use: The trademark registrant has the right to use the trademark on the goods and services to be used by the registered trademark, use the trademark on commodities, commodity packaging or containers or commodity transaction documents in related commercial activities, or use the trademark in commercial activities such as advertisements and exhibitions.
2. Licensing right: A trademark registrant has the right to license others to use its registered trademark by signing a trademark licensing contract according to law. (Written agreement, Licensor shall supervise the quality of Licensee's goods. It should be filed, but the effect is not specified)
3. Exclusive right: A trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right to its registered trademark, and no other person may use the same or similar trademark on the same or similar goods or services without authorization.
4. Prohibition right: high-standard registrants have the right to prevent others from using the same or similar high-standard products on the same or similar goods or services. Unauthorized use by others is prohibited.
5. Right of contribution: Trademark registrants have the right to contribute their registered trademarks as intangible assets in accordance with legal provisions and procedures.
6. Right of assignment: Trademark registrants have the right to assign their registered trademarks to others with or without compensation through legal procedures. (Written form, effective as of the date of announcement)
7. Inheritance right: As intangible property, trademarks can be inherited by heirs in the order of inheritance.
8. Marking right: the right to use a trademark to indicate "registered trademark" or other legal marks on goods or packaging.
9. Renewal right: the right to renew before expiration.