The payment time for trademark registration is usually within a specific period after submitting the trademark application. The following is the general payment time for trademark registration:
1. Preliminary application fee: After the trademark registration application is submitted, a preliminary application fee is usually required. The specific payment time for this fee depends on the regulations of the country or region where you are located. It is generally paid at the same time when submitting the application.
2. Examination fee: When the Trademark Office examines a trademark application and decides to conduct a substantive examination, an examination fee may be required. The payment time is usually within the time limit specified after the Trademark Office issues the payment notice.
3. Registration fee: If the trademark application passes the substantive examination and is approved for registration, a registration fee is usually required. The time for payment of registration fees is stipulated by the trademark office of the country or region where the trademark is located, and is generally within the time limit specified after the trademark office issues a registration fee payment notice.
Please note that specific payment times and requirements may vary by country or region. Therefore, it is recommended that you carefully read the regulations of the trademark office of your country or region during the trademark registration process and ensure that the corresponding fees are paid on time. Failure to pay fees on time may result in the trademark application being abandoned or the registration being revoked.
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