If a registered trademark needs to be used continuously after its expiration, the trademark registrant shall go through the renewal procedures in accordance with the regulations within 12 months before the expiration; If it fails to be handled during this period, a six-month extension period may be granted. The validity period of each renewal registration is ten years, counting from the day after the last expiration of the trademark. If the renewal formalities are not completed at the expiration of the period, the registered trademark shall be cancelled. The Trademark Office shall announce the renewed registered trademark. Article 4 of the Trademark Law is objective in law:
Article 4 of the Trademark Law states that if a registered trademark needs to be used continuously after its expiration, the trademark registrant shall go through the renewal procedures in accordance with the regulations within 12 months before the expiration; If it fails to be handled during this period, a six-month extension period may be granted. The validity period of each renewal registration is ten years, counting from the day after the last expiration of the trademark. If the renewal formalities are not completed at the expiration of the period, the registered trademark shall be cancelled. The Trademark Office shall announce the renewed registered trademark. Article 5 of the Trademark Law stipulates that if a registered trademark is revoked, declared invalid or not renewed upon expiration, the Trademark Office shall not approve an application for trademark registration that is identical with or similar to the trademark within one year from the date of revocation, invalidation or cancellation.