1, the twelfth lunar month refers to the December of the solar calendar, because no matter which month has a corresponding nickname, it all refers to the same time. What you eat on the ninth lunar month depends on where you come from.
2. Northerners will eat some jiaozi on the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, because the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month symbolizes the new year and is almost the end of the year.
Xiao Jiu cuisine in the twelfth lunar month includes eating jiaozi, stewed chicken soup, bacon, steamed fish, hot pot and so on.
There is nothing special about the ninth lunar month, but we also need to observe some taboos in the twelfth lunar month, such as don't move, don't break the ground, don't get married, don't break things and so on.
December is the last month of the year, commonly known as the end of the year, with more than 30 names such as Ladong, Poor Dong, December, Ice Moon, Yuyue, Polar Moon, Qingsi, Sudong and Dalu.