The best brand of condensing wall-mounted boilers is France's De Dietrich. De Dietrich is a long-established wall-hung boiler manufacturer with a history of more than 300 years. It is the world's leading manufacturer of condensing technology solutions. Its production of condensing wall-hung boilers is not only mature in technology, but also the furnace is very economical. , widely used in many villas and large families. De Dietrich began to enter the Chinese market in 1996. Its high-quality, energy-saving products have maximized comfort requirements and have been generally well received by Chinese users. Can save 40% energy: The thermal efficiency of De Dietrich condensing wall-mounted boiler is as high as 109%. Compared with traditional boilers, it can achieve 30-40% energy saving effect. And due to the use of fully premixed NOX and CO low-emission stainless steel burners, combustion becomes energy-saving and clean. Little Squirrel Squirre Little Squirrel Company is a national high-tech enterprise. To develop, an enterprise must innovate. Only companies with innovative capabilities will produce better products. As a famous trademark in Guangdong, Little Squirrel Company is not only unique in product development and design. With rich experience and experience, the company has also improved its corporate management capabilities and market risk resistance through many years of operation.