The Trademark Office ruled that my trademark remains valid. You can just keep using it. It is recommended that you monitor the status of your trademark at any time (you can find a reliable trademark firm to help you monitor your trademark). In addition, if the other party files for reexamination, new evidence and cross-examination will be required. The Trademark Office will send you an official document, and you just need to respond within the specified time. . If it is a trademark that you have used for many years and is still in use, it is unlikely to be revoked. I also suggest that you collect his information. If he cancels your trademark, it means that he wants to use this or something similar. Before your trademark is invalidated, its use is infringing. At that time, you can still negotiate on his infringement. Let them compensate or even take legal action.
I work in a trademark office and hope to be able to help you.