A thermos cup is generally a water container made of ceramic or stainless steel with a vacuum layer. It has a lid on the top and is tightly sealed. The vacuum insulation layer can delay the heat dissipation of water and other liquids contained inside, so as to achieve The purpose of thermal insulation. Thermos cups can help people drink hot water for a long time in winter. Regarding the category of the thermos cup trademark, which category is suitable?
By searching in the Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Encyclopedia, we can know that the category of the thermos cup trademark belongs to Class 21 - 2111 - Insulation appliances - food insulation container 210007, thermos bottle 210046, insulation bag 210323 . As time goes by, thermos cups are becoming more convenient.
It is very necessary to obtain a good trademark before running a business. People will first notice what the logo of the company looks like, and then they can remember it, and finally form a close connection with it. connect. Therefore, the company's trademark needs to be obtained as quickly and well as possible. Is there any feasible method for this?
Trademarks can be obtained through trademark transfer. Trademarks can not only be used for personal use, but can also be used for trading. Similarly, if the trademark is no longer used, you can also obtain trademark rights by purchasing the trademark. As a way to obtain trademark rights, what are the advantages of trademark transfer?
The application time is very fast. Generally speaking, it takes about a year to register a trademark successfully. If a rejection review or opposition defense occurs, the registration time will be even longer. The time for trademark transfer is very short, and it takes about four to six months to complete. If the applicant urgently needs to use it, he can also use it on the same day through exclusive authorization or notarization procedures.
The risk is very low. There are many procedures required for trademark registration, especially the three stages of formal examination, substantive examination and preliminary examination announcement. Moreover, during the review process, there are some inevitable risks that may lead to the failure of trademark registration. Trademark transfer only requires formal review. Compared with trademark registration, the risk of trademark transfer is very low. As long as you have transfer experience, you can handle the trademark transfer well.
The brand name is good. The use of Chinese characters is definitely limited, and the ones used need to be relatively simple and easy to understand. When the number of registrations increases, the degree of use of word combinations is already very large, especially those with good meanings. It has been registered before. So purchasing a trademark is one way to do it.
So when companies obtain trademarks, they should not just focus on registration. In fact, transfer will save more time. Although both methods have pros and cons, companies need to weigh which method is more suitable for them.