Application for trademark registration usually requires the following documents:
1.**Trademark Application Form:**Submit a fully completed Trademark Registration Application Form, which includes detailed information about the trademark, such as Trademark drawings, trademark categories, detailed descriptions of goods or services, etc.
2.**Trademark pattern:** Provide a clear and accurate trademark pattern to ensure that it can be clearly identified. It can be text, graphics, or a combination of text and graphics.
3.**Applicant information:** Provide detailed information of the applicant, including name, address, nationality, etc. If the applicant is a company, you may need to provide the company’s registration certificate and other relevant documents.
4.** List of goods and services:** Provide a list of specific goods or services covered by the trademark to ensure correct classification and description.
5.**Proof of priority:** If the applicant claims priority, he/she needs to provide relevant documents of the trademark application filed in the country of application or other countries/regions.
6.**Payment Voucher:** Provide relevant vouchers for payment of trademark registration application fees.
7.**Legal Agency Power of Attorney:** If you choose to use a legal agency, you need to provide a legal agency power of attorney.
8.**Trademark registration certificate:** If the trademark has been registered in other countries/regions, provide the registration certificate of the trademark in the original place of registration.
9.**Other possible supporting documents:** Depending on the requirements of the country or region, other relevant supporting documents may be required, such as audio files of sound trademarks, three-dimensional patterns of three-dimensional trademarks, etc.
Please note that the exact documentation required may vary by country and trademark type. When preparing trademark registration application documents, it is recommended to consult the local trademark office’s guidelines or consult a professional legal agency to ensure the completeness and compliance of the documents.
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