"Circle R" indicates that the name has been registered as a trademark and is the logo of a registered trademark. In China, a registered trademark needs to be registered with the National Trademark Office and must pass the review of the Trademark Office before it can be registered. A registered trademark can be marked with "registered trademark" or a registered mark on the product, product packaging, instructions or other attachments to indicate that the trademark has been registered and is protected by law.
The use of registered trademarks allows companies or individuals to establish their own brand image in the market, protect their trademark rights, and prevent other companies or individuals from using or imitating their trademarks. At the same time, registered trademarks can also bring commercial advantages to enterprises, such as building brand awareness and increasing consumer awareness of their products.
Therefore, if you see "circled R" on the right side of a company or product name, it means that the name has been registered as a trademark and is a legal trademark protected by law.