What are the distinctive characteristics of trademarks?
Trademarks are very common in our daily lives. Every product has a trademark. A trademark is like a person's name, it is a symbol that allows people to remember the product. So, what are the characteristics of a trademark?
1. Distinctiveness
The biggest feature of a trademark is its distinctiveness. It is a sign of a product or service. This mark is unique to the product or service. It has great Strong artistry.
2. Attachment
Trademark is not independent and needs to be attached to a certain product or service.
3. Exclusivity
The important role of a trademark is its distinction, so that people can better identify and remember the product or service. Therefore, once a trademark is registered, it has exclusive rights and is protected by law. Others cannot use the trademark without the authorization of the registrant. Once misappropriated, legal sanctions will be imposed and the victim will be compensated.
4. Value
Trademark is actually an intangible asset. It can only be used after professional design and registration. People can use it through advertising and promotion. Understand that, therefore, a trademark has a certain value, which value can be determined through evaluation, and the owner can transfer it.
5. Competitiveness
Trademarks are accessories of goods, and for producers, the biggest competition is the competition between goods. Simply put, the more famous the trademark, the more competitive the product will be.
From the above five characteristics, we can know that a trademark is a necessary attribute of goods or services. The higher its popularity, the greater its value. For goods and services, trademarks are of great significance.