Related reports: Barcode queries cannot be used to identify authenticity
A relevant person from the Municipal Institute of Standardization, a subsidiary of the Ningbo Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau, told reporters that the barcode of the product cannot be scanned or scanned. There have been many quality complaints recently caused by inconsistent information.
Is it really reliable to use mobile phone software to scan barcodes to identify the authenticity of products? The answer from relevant people in the hospital is negative. He explained that the product barcode is the "ID card" of the product, and the barcode number is equivalent to the product's ID number. Consumers can trace information related to the product based on the product barcode. However, the product bar itself does not have an anti-counterfeiting function, and the barcode cannot be used as a basis for verifying authenticity.
He said that there are still cases of barcodes being used fraudulently. Some websites provide barcode generation services. You only need to enter the relevant digital code to generate a barcode graphic. Some unscrupulous manufacturers copy the barcodes of other regular manufacturers and entrust someone to make a barcode graphic and paste it on the counterfeit goods. Ordinary consumers cannot see it. of.
In addition, after purchasing a product, if the relevant product information cannot be found through the product barcode or the query information is inconsistent with the actual situation, it does not mean that the product must be a fake. This is because it may be that the company has failed to fulfill its obligation to report coded information or that the reported information is inaccurate.
/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink">/ 31f4134960a5a77?x- bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2Ch_800%2Climit_1%2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto"esrc="/system/2015/09/18/020838666.shtml"target="_blank"title="Only supported It takes effect when a link is selected">Zhejiang Online-Can you identify the authenticity of products by scanning barcodes with your mobile phone? Response from the Quality Supervision Department
/"target="_blank"title="Only supports selecting one link to take effect">Minnan Net-Scan the barcode to identify Is the product authentic? Scan the barcode to identify the authenticity of the product