Lanterns belong to the 0908 group, Category 9 of the trademark classification; according to statistics from, there are 31 registered trademarks for lanterns. If it is about the structure or use of the lantern, you can apply for a utility model patent; if it is about the shape or pattern of the lantern, you can apply for an appearance patent.
How to choose other minor categories when registering:
1. There is 1 trademark selected for registration (magnet, group number: 0913), and the registration ratio reaches 3.23%.
2. There is 1 trademark selected for registration (radio transceivers and telephones, group number: 0907), accounting for 3.23%.
3. There is 1 trademark selected for registration (measuring equipment and instruments including measuring tapes, measuring tapes, thermometers, and compasses, group number: 0904), accounting for 3.23% of the total.
4. Select registration (sound and/or video recorded and empty carriers (except non-exposed film) and data carriers, especially video and audio tapes, cassettes, disks and sound recordings, group number: There is one trademark in the 0908) category, accounting for 3.23% of the total.
5. There is 1 trademark selected for registration (telecommunications equipment and instruments, especially radios and televisions, group number: 0907), accounting for 3.23%.
6. There is 1 trademark registered in the (camera, group number: 0909) category, accounting for 3.23% of the total.
7. There is 1 trademark selected for registration (video games belonging to this category, group number: 0908), accounting for 3.23%.
8. There is 1 trademark selected for registration (measuring equipment and instruments including measuring tapes, measuring tapes, thermometers, and compasses, group number: 0910), accounting for 3.23% of the total.
9. There is 1 trademark registered in the (optical, photographic and film apparatus and instruments, group number: 0910) category, accounting for 3.23% of the total.
10. There is 1 trademark registered in the (magnifying glass, group number: 0911) category, accounting for 3.23% of the total.