Applicant name: business license name (exactly one word)
Applicant address: business license address (exactly one word, add province in front, such as municipality directly write city)
Do you want to apply together? Yes √ No
Postal code: (postal code where your company is located)
Contact person: (preferably write Your boss’s name)
Telephone (including area code): Landline
Fax (including area code):
Name of agency organization: (Can’t go by yourself? Need to fill in)
Trademark type: √General □ Collective □ Certification □ Three-dimensional □ Color
Trademark description: The standard writing of the trademark in Chinese is "XX", and the standard writing of the trademark in English is "XX" "Some" means the direct translation.
Category: 9
Goods/services: 1. Computer; 2. . . . . 10. Mobile phone. (Deadline)
(Attach page: page)
Applicant’s stamp (signature): (Stamped with your company’s official seal) Agency organization’s stamp: (No need to fill in) p>
Agent’s signature: