Class 1 chemical raw material trademarks: mainly fertilizers, herbicides, industrial supplies, fungicides, etc. Agricultural chemical products can be found in this category;
Category 2 Pigments, Paint Trademarks: Paints, pigments, wall paints, etc. fall into this category. Paint products used by painters and artists fall into this category;
Category 3 cosmetics and skin care product trademarks: mainly include cosmetics, toiletries, daily shampoo and toothpaste, etc.;
Category 3 cosmetics and skin care product trademarks: Category 4 fuel and oil trademarks: gas fuels, candles;
Category 5 medical supplies trademarks: packaged medical supplies, various drugs, and medical nutritional products. Note that infant milk powder also belongs to this category of trademarks;
Category 6 small hardware trademarks: including small hardware, metal pipes, safes, construction metal pipes, etc.;
Category 7 mechanical equipment trademarks: motors and engines, couplings for machine transmission Joints and transmission parts (except for land vehicles), electric agricultural tools, etc.;
Class 8 handcrafted equipment trademarks: knives, forks and spoons, tableware, sabers, razors, etc.;
Class 9 electronic scientific instrument trademarks: photography, film, optics, weighing instruments, measuring instruments, signals, switches, instruments and apparatus for transmitting, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, apparatus for recording, communicating and reproducing sounds and images, Recording disks, etc., most of the electronic products we use daily are in this category of trademarks;
Class 10 medical device trademarks: some machines and equipment used for medical treatment, such as rehabilitation equipment, prostheses and teeth, and suture supplies etc.
In medicine, except for medicinal materials, which belong to Class 5, most other equipment falls under Class 10 trademarks;
Class 11 lighting and air-conditioning trademarks: All lighting, air conditioners, refrigerators, and other household equipment belong to Class 11 trademarks;
Class 12 transportation trademarks: transportation equipment used by sea, land and air;
Class 13 arms and fireworks trademarks: arms and fireworks, our common fireworks and firecrackers belong to this category;
Class 14 Jewelry and Watch Trademarks: All gold and diamond jewelry or ordinary trinkets and watches fall into this class of trademarks;
Class 15 Musical Instrument Trademarks: All musical instrument trademarks fall into this class. Such as guitars, pianos, drums, etc.;
Class 16 office supplies trademarks: paper, printed matter, stationery supplies, teaching supplies and other office supplies are in this category;
Class 17 rubber Product trademarks: semi-finished plastic products for production, materials for packaging, filling and insulation, etc.;
Class 18 leather goods trademarks: luggage and bags belong to this category. It should be noted that umbrellas also belong to this category. Class trademarks;
Class 19 building material trademarks: asphalt, asphalt, etc.;
Class 20 furniture trademarks: beds, mirrors, picture frames, bamboo crafts, pillows, etc.;
Class 21 kitchen sanitary ware trademarks: household or kitchen utensils and containers, washing supplies, cleaning utensils, steel wool, glassware, porcelain and pottery, etc.;
Class 22 cables, Rope and net trademarks: awnings, tents, waterproof tarpaulins, sails, bags, etc.;
Class 23 yarn velvet trademarks: textile yarn and thread;
Class 24 Cloth and bed sheet trademarks: fabrics and textiles, bed sheets and tablecloths that do not belong to other categories;
Class 25 clothing, shoe and hat trademarks: women's clothing, women's shoes and men's shoes, maternity clothing, baby clothing, etc. all clothing and Shoes;
Class 26 button and zipper trademarks: lace and embroidery, cross-stitch in this class, ribbons, buttons, artificial flowers, etc.;
Class 27 carpet mats Trademarks: mats, mats, floor coverings, etc.;
Class 28 fitness equipment trademarks: fitness equipment, such as treadmills, dumbbells, etc., including toys;
Class 28 Class 29 processed meat and vegetable trademarks: pickled, frozen, dried meat and vegetables, including eggs, edible oil, etc.
Class 30 convenience food trademarks: coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar , rice, edible starch, sago, flour, bread, pastries and candies, iced foods, honey, syrup, salt, etc.;
Class 31 feed seed trademarks: agriculture, horticulture, livestock, fresh Fruits and vegetables, seeds, plants and flowers, animal feed, etc.;
Class 32 beer beverage trademarks: mineral water and soda, other non-alcoholic beverages, fruit drinks and juices, etc.;
Class 33 wine trademarks: red wine, white wine, fruit wine and other alcoholic beverages, except beer;
Class 34 tobacco and smoking set trademarks: tobacco, smoking sets and matches, etc.;
The following are service trademarks:
Class 35 advertising and sales chain trademarks: advertising, physical supermarkets, and online electronic malls all belong to this type of trademark;
Class 36 Financial property management trademarks: insurance, finance, currency affairs, real estate affairs;
Class 37 construction repair trademarks: house construction, repair, installation services, real estate developers belong to this category;
Class 38 telecommunications trademarks: wireless television broadcasts, telephone communications, faxes, information transmission, etc. belong to this category;
Class 39 transportation and travel trademarks: commodity packaging and storage, travel arrangements and tour guides, etc.;
Class 40 material processing trademarks: wood processing, food processing, sewage treatment, air purification, etc. Class 40 trademarks are service marks;
Class 41 education and entertainment trademarks: providing various trainings, Language training, skills training, etc., including libraries, publishing houses, etc.;
> Class 42 scientific service trademarks: scientific research; clothing design, architectural design, meteorological observatories, address surveys, including legal services, etc.;
Class 43 catering and accommodation trademarks: provision of food and accommodation services, including nursing homes, Nursery school, etc.;
Class 44 medical services and gardening trademarks: beauty salons, veterinary services, etc., as well as agricultural, horticultural or forestry services;
Class 45 consulting and safety service trademarks: guarantee An escort service for the safety of others, as well as clothing rentals and funeral services.