The method for Photoshop to draw logo is as follows:
1. First, use the ellipse frame selection tool to pull out an ellipse selection, set the foreground color, and fill it with the paint bucket tool, then use the selection zoom function to zoom the selection, move the selection position appropriately, and then eliminate the contents of the small ellipse to get the crescent base;
2. To draw a star-shaped path, use the pen tool. First, draw a path similar to a diamond, then add a control point on each of the four sides with the add anchor point tool, and then use the direct selection tool to adjust the edges into a curve form.
3. Draw a hollow star, which can be obtained by converting the path into a selection, filling it to get a star filling map, then scaling the selection, and then clearing the contents of the scaled selection;
4. Rasterize the layer, double-click to bring up the layer style, add the effect, close the background layer, and save the file as a picture in png format.