When you buy it, you can pay attention to whether there is a sign for the good wife on the good wife gas stove and compare it carefully. Generally, it is displayed in the pinyin of a good wife.
The spokeswoman for the hostess's gas stove is Ruby Lin. You can see if there is a photo or signature of Ruby Lin on the outer package.
Look for the name of a good wife, including pinyin and Ruby Lin's endorsement. This is authentic. Good wife good wife gas stove has large firepower, direct fire and rotary fire, and thermocouple flameout protection device to ensure safe use.
And avoid buying fake brands. It's best to go to a regular electrical shopping mall to buy. Don't go to those small facades in town with the sign of a good wife and a good mother. There are many miscellaneous brands of gas stoves sold inside, which are installed by the owners themselves, not the after-sales staff of the good wife. This look is fake.
A real good wife has anti-counterfeiting signs on her gas stove, which can be found online. Steps for selecting high-quality gas stoves:
1. Make sure what gas is used at home, which is on the box when you buy it;
2, look at the quality, the steel plate on the surface of the gas stove should have a certain thickness, the surface of the gas stove should be smooth and flat, no collision phenomenon, and the gas stove with flameout protection is safer;
3, look at the combustion quality, the flame should not be chaotic and appear blue-green, with or without fire, Rise of the Legend phenomenon.
General stores sell real goods! Look for the name of a good wife, including pinyin and Ruby Lin's endorsement. This is authentic. Good wife good wife gas stove has large firepower, direct fire and rotary fire, and thermocouple flameout protection device to ensure safe use. A really good wife is not only a good wife, but also a hard logo. It is best to compare the price and brand quality at the same time, because there are no low-priced ones, but the high-priced ones should also be screened.
Good wife has distribution offices all over the country, and naturally there will be many good wife gas stoves in the market. As long as you are not greedy and cheap, you can buy it in a regular good wife shop.
When you buy it, you can pay attention to whether there is a sign for the good wife on the good wife gas stove and compare it carefully. Generally, it is displayed in the pinyin of a good wife.
The spokeswoman for the hostess's gas stove is Ruby Lin. You can see if there is a photo or signature of Ruby Lin on the outer package.