Does international economics and trade belong to the economics category as follows:
International economics and trade majors belong to the economics category in undergraduate degrees, and economics and trade belong to the economics category in junior college degrees. It belongs to the financial and commercial category, economic and trade category.
The discipline code of economics is 02, which includes the following categories: economics, finance, finance, economics and trade, and there are only two majors under the economics and trade category: International economics, trade and trade economics are not the same as the major categories of economics.
For international economics and trade, you can apply for the national taxation or statistics bureau and other units in the national examination. For the provincial examination, you can apply for the local taxation and the provincial examination of the comprehensive legal inspection and writing post, township agencies, etc.; it depends on what you want to take. According to the job list of the exam, international economics and trade majors can apply for positions in the job list that require international economics and trade or economics and trade.
Be sure to carefully read the major requirements for application, and do not mistake the bachelor's degree on the bachelor's degree certificate as the major you are applying for. Check the professional catalog before applying. Because the current preliminary review of civil service applications does not check the correctness of the information, that is, you can participate even if you register. But the sad thing is that the accuracy of the information must be reviewed during the interview, and now the registration process is not reviewed. Once an error is reported, you cannot change or re-register. Therefore, if you make a mistake, you will be eliminated early.