Most of the Grammy wallpaper patterns are exquisite and fashionable, with high aesthetics, so they are more popular among young people. Grammy wallpaper also has plain wallpaper. Although it does not have any patterns, the colors and materials are the most popular at the moment. It is also very fashionable to stick it casually at home. When purchasing wallpaper at Grammy, you can browse through many wallpaper samples with many styles to suit various occasions and personal preferences.
Quality of Grammy wallpaper:
Most of the original parts used in Grammy wallpaper are imported from the United States, although the price is a bit more expensive than other small domestic brands. , but the most important thing is the quality of the wallpaper. Fortunately, the exterior of the wall has a good gloss and is durable. It is very common for wallpaper to warp after being used for a long time. Grammy Wallpaper has overcome this problem.
Grammy wallpaper styles:
Grammy has an 8,000-square-meter R&D building and a 20,000-square-meter logistics park. Grammy has many employees. Therefore, Grammy wallpapers are not only available in large quantities, but also in various styles.
The scale of Grammy Wallpaper:
After years of hard work, the company now has nearly 500 stores in major cities across the country, including 15 in Beijing. The company has a professional sales team, strict management system, leading production equipment and excellent product quality, which has enabled Grammy Wallpaper to win many praises from users. In order to build the brand image of domestic wallpaper, Grammy also took the lead in opening a wallpaper and fabric soft decoration flagship store in the core consumer area of ????Beijing in 2005, creating a new era of soft decoration consumption in China's home decoration industry and creating a charming pioneer in the wallpaper industry. .