Advertising design is included in the 35 categories of the Nice Classification of Trademarks
About the Nice Commodity Classification:
In order to facilitate trademark registration and management, the trademark management agency based on certain Standards classify all goods into several categories and arrange them in a certain order into a list.
There are currently two types of commodity classifications in the world, one is the commodity classification independently implemented by the country, and the other is the internationally unified commodity classification.
The People's Republic of China acceded to the Paris Convention in November 1988, and the International Classification of Goods applies.
The classification of goods registered by a trademark affects how to judge whether the goods are the same or similar, and accordingly affects the protection of trademark rights.
The International Classification of Goods lawpanel (International Classification of Goods lawpanel) was officially signed by some developed countries at the Diplomatic Conference in Nice, France on June 15, 1957. Agreement, which came into effect on April 8, 1961.
Currently, 33 countries have officially joined the Nice Union, and more than 80 non-Nice Agreement member states have adopted the International Commodity Classification.
The Nice Agreement has been revised nine times.