Trademark registration is usually managed and processed by a national or regional intellectual property office, trademark office, trademark registration office or similar institution. The specific trademark registration authority may vary from country to country.
In China, trademark registration is managed and supervised by the National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA). Applicants can submit trademark registration applications through the Trademark Office of CNIPA and conduct subsequent communication and review with the agency.
In the United States, trademark registration is managed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Applicants can submit trademark registration applications through the USPTO’s Trademark Registration Office and conduct subsequent communication and review with the agency.
In other countries or regions, similar agencies are also responsible for trademark registration matters. For example, trademark registration in the European Union is managed by the European Patent Office (EUIPO), and trademark registration in Japan is managed by the Japan Patent Office (JPO).
If you are interested in applying for trademark registration, please check the official website of your country or region to learn about the specific trademark registration agency and procedural requirements. You can also consult a professional trademark agency or lawyer for accurate guidance and help.
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