1. The Armani logo design is a hollow horizontal stripe design, which demonstrates the artistic thought of the Armani brand, which is unconventional and distinctive. 2. Emporio Armani’s logo depicts an eagle looking to the right. The eagle symbolizes the highest quality, excellence and craftsmanship of the brand and has been used as a permanent symbol ever since. 3. The G and A in the middle of the Armani LOGO represent Giorgio in English and Armani in English respectively, which is concise and clear. Giorgio Armani's logo pursues a supreme simple and elegant design direction. It forms a circle with a rounded G and a curved A, giving it a sophisticated and elegant new style. 4. The denim products of A/X Armani Exchange are different from traditional denim brands. They do not focus on casualness at all, but use explicit, elegant, and hidden sexy expressions to show the uniqueness of the wearer.
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