The TM on the trademark also has its own special meaning. In fact, the TM mark does not protect the trademark. It is different from R. TM means that the trademark has been applied to the National Trademark Office, and the National Trademark Office A "Notice of Acceptance" has also been issued and the opposition period has entered. This will prevent others from filing duplicate applications and also means that existing trademark holders have priority to use the trademark. The circle R indicates "registered trademark", which means that the trademark has been applied for registration at the National Trademark Office and has been reviewed and approved by the Trademark Office to become a registered trademark. The R in the circle is the first letter of English register. Registered trademarks have the characteristics of exclusivity, exclusivity, and uniqueness. They are exclusively owned by the owner of the registered trademark and are protected by law. No enterprise or individual may use it without the permission or authorization of the owner of the registered trademark, otherwise they will bear infringement liability. TM means the trademark symbol, that is, the words, graphics or symbols marked with TM are trademarks, but they are not necessarily registered (unregistered ones are not protected by law). TM is the abbreviation of English trademark.
Reference: Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China
TM is the abbreviation of TRADEMARK. American trademarks are usually marked with TM, which does not necessarily refer to a registered trademark. R is the abbreviation of REGISTER. When used in trademarks, it means registered trademark. The Implementation Regulations of my country's Trademark Law stipulate that when using a registered trademark, you can indicate "registered trademark" or registered mark on the goods, product packaging, instructions or other attachments. . Registration marks include (Note plus ○) and (R plus ○). When using a registered mark, it should be marked on the upper right corner or lower right corner of the trademark. Therefore, TM and R are trademark marks of different countries and have no special relationship. Some domestic companies do not understand the legal provisions and blindly imitate American companies and use the TM mark on their trademarks.
TM is the abbreviation of "TRADEMARK".
Trademark applicants can provide trademark drawings, check with the China Trademark Administration to see if any identical or similar trademarks have been registered, and then apply for trademark registration.
One year after filing the application, the Trademark Office will issue a preliminary trademark review announcement and send it to the trademark applicant. Three months after the announcement of the trademark application for registration, a formal "Trademark Registration Certificate" will be issued. Within about 60 days of receiving the acceptance letter, you can use it as "TM";
U.S. trademarks are usually marked with TM, which does not necessarily mean a registered trademark.
R is the abbreviation of REGISTER, which when used in trademarks means registered trademarks. The Implementing Regulations of my country’s Trademark Law stipulates that the use of registered trademarks can be marked on goods, product packaging, instructions or other attachments. "Registered trademark" or registered mark.
Registration marks include (note plus ○) and (R plus ○). When using a registered mark, it should be marked on the upper right corner or lower right corner of the trademark.
Therefore, some domestic companies do not understand the legal provisions and blindly imitate American companies and use the TM mark on their trademarks. TM and R are not quite the same.