Delayed renewal registration refers to the extension period of renewal. The trademark is valid for 10 years. The 12 months before expiration is the renewal period. If it expires and is not renewed, you can still Renewal is required within 6 months after expiration, and this period is called the extension period. After the Trademark Office examines the trademark renewal registration application, it will issue a trademark renewal certificate and will not issue another trademark registration certificate. The original trademark registration certificate and trademark renewal certificate will be used together. It is worth mentioning that the procedures for renewal application and initial registration application for a trademark are different. The purpose of the renewal application is to make the exclusive rights of the trademark that have been obtained continue to be valid through the application, rather than to obtain the exclusive rights for the newly registered trademark. . Therefore, the law stipulates that the renewal application procedure is also very simple. The materials that should be submitted are: the original or copy of the trademark registration certificate applying for renewal; 6 copies of the trademark pattern that is consistent with the trademark pattern on the original registration certificate; a copy of the enterprise business license . As long as the trademark registrant files an application within the six-month period specified by law and pays the prescribed fee, he or she may be allowed to renew the registration in accordance with the law.