Can service marks be used on products?
First of all, if a trademark is divided into goods and services, it is divided into commodity trademarks and service trademarks. Commodity trademarks are different from service trademarks. No matter whether you use the commodity trademark first or not, as long as the other party is not malicious cybersquatting, you have violated the provisions of Article 52 of the Trademark Law and constituted trademark infringement. The difference between service trademarks is that many people often use their own company name as the store name to form a trade name, and the company name is approved by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. In compliance with the implementation provisions of the Regulations on the Administration of Enterprise Registration, it depends on who comes first to judge whether it constitutes infringement. Secondly, the date of obtaining the brand name right of your shop signboard (that is, the date of business license) is earlier than the other party's trademark right, and the trademark right has no right to bind you. However, if you obtain the trademark right of the other party, it will constitute infringement if you open a branch again. There is a simple reason. The date of reopening the store is later than the date of obtaining the trademark right. This is the difference between a commodity trademark and a service trademark, but if you use a service trademark on a commodity trademark, the other party can fight you after obtaining the trademark right; If the font size is used on the signboard, it depends on the order in which the other party obtains the rights. The above is the answer to your question, I hope it can help you. In your case, I suggest you go to my office to provide more information for further answers.