A look at the surface features shows that the genuine Ejiao has a dark brown surface, smooth rubber blocks, uniform color and no oil holes or air holes. The surface of the fake donkey-hide gelatin block is usually brown or bluish yellow, and some have oil holes, air holes, etc., and the rubber block is not regular.
/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/e85352ac65c138edc6e68bc119313b7e892e"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink"> /iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/e85352ac65c138edc6e68bc119313b7e892e? X-BCE-process = image% 2fresize% 2cm _ lfit% 2cw _ 6% 2ch _ 8% 2climit _ 1% 2fquality% 2cq _ 85% 2fformat% 2cf _ auto "esrc ="/GB/1179977.html "target = People's Daily Online-Expert's advice: How does Ejiao distinguish authenticity
/shipin.people.com.cn/GB/11816885.html "target =" _ blank "title =" Only one link can be selected to take effect "> People's Network-Four "Unique Skills" teach you to choose authentic Ejiao!