▲ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Let me tell you some word shortcuts, which are very helpful to you. Although there are many, you need to take the time to remember them.
[F 1] key: help
[F2] key: move text or graphics, and press Enter to confirm.
[F4] key: repeat the last operation.
[F5] key: positioning during editing.
[F6] key: Switch between the document and the task pane or other Word panes.
[F8] key: Open the selection mode of Word.
[F 12] key: Open the Save As dialog box.
[shift+F2] key combination: copy text.
[shift+F3] Key combination: change the case of letters.
[shift+F4] key combination: search or locate repeatedly.
[shift+F 12] key combination: select the "Save" menu item in the "File" menu.
[shift+F5] key combination: jumps to the last editing position in the document.
[shift+←] Key combination: Select a character to the left of the cursor.
[shift+→] key combination: Select a character to the right of the cursor.
Shift+Write key combination: select the content between the current cursor position and the previous line.
Shift+↓: select the content between the current cursor position and the next line.
[shift+Ena] key combination: select the cursor to the end of the line.
[shift+Home] key combination: select the cursor to the beginning of the line.
[shift+pageup] key combination: select a line between the current cursor position and the previous screen.
[Shift+Pagedown] key combination: select a line between the current cursor position and the next screen.
[ctrl+F2] key combination: print preview.
[ctrl+F4] key combination: Close the window.
[ctrl+F6] Key combination: Switch between open documents.
[ctrl+f 12] Key combination: Opens the Open dialog box.
[ctri+ 1] Key combination: single-line spacing
[ctrl+2] Key combination: double spacing
[ctrl+5] key combination: 1.5 times line spacing
[ctri+O] key combination: add a line spacing before the paragraph.
[ctrl+A] key combination: select all.
[ctrl+B] key combination: the characters become bold.
[ctrl+C] key combination: copy
[ctrl+shift+D] key combination: scattered alignment
[ctrl+E] key combination: center the paragraph.
[ctrl+F] key combination: finding
[ctrl+G] key combination: positioning
[ctrl+H] key combination: replacing
[ctrl+I] Key combination: Characters become italicized.
[ctrl+J] key combination: both ends are aligned.
[ctrl+K] key combination: hyperlink
[ctrl+L] key combination: left alignment
[ctrl+N] key combination: create a new document.
[ctrl+M] Key combination: Indent the left paragraph.
[ctrl+O] key combination: open the document.
[ctrl+P] key combination: printing
[ctrl+Q] Key combination: the line where the insertion point is located moves one character to the left.
[ctri+Q] Key combination: Unformat the paragraph.
[ctrl+R] key combination: right alignment
[ctrl+S] key combination: save
[ctrl+T] key combination: create hanging indent.
[ctrl+U] Key combination: Underline the characters.
[ctrl+V] key combination: paste
[ctrl+W] key combination:
[ctrl+X] key combination: cut and paste
[ctrl+Shift+Z] key combination: format clear.
[ctrl+shift] key combination: input method conversion
[ctrl+F8] Key combination: Opens the macro dialog box.
[ctri+ SPACE] Key combination: Chinese and Western language conversion.
[ctrl+Enter] Key combination: Insert a page break.
[ctrl+shift+M] key combination: the left paragraph is indented.
[ctri+ shift+F 12] Key combination: Select the "Print" menu item in the "File" menu.
[ctrl+shift+F] Key combination: change the font.
[ctrl+shift+P] Key combination: change the font size.
[ctrl+shift+& gt; ] key combination: increase font size
[ctrl+shift & lt; ] key combination: reduce font size
[ctrl+shift+] Key combination: increase the font size point by point.
[ctrl+shift+[] key combination: reduce the font size point by point.
[ctrl+shift+C] key combination: copy format
[ctrl+shift+V] key combination: paste format
[ctrl+shift+T] key combination: reduce hanging indent.
[ctrl+Enter] Key combination: Insert a page break.
[ctrl+Home] key combination: the insertion point moves to the head of the document.
[ctrl+End] Key combination: the insertion point moves to the end of the document.
[ctrl+shift+↓] Key combination: move the cursor to the beginning of the word.
[ctrl+shift+→] Key combination: move the cursor to the end of the word.
[Ctrl+Shift+Write] Key combination: move the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph.
[ctrl+shift+↓] Key combination: move the cursor to the end of the paragraph.
[ctrl+shift+Home] key combination: Move the cursor to the beginning of the document.
[ctrl+shift+Ena] Key combination: Move the cursor to the end of the document.
[ctri+PGVP] Key combination: Move the insertion point to the top of the previous window.
[ctri+PGDW] Key combination: Move the insertion point to the top of the next window.
[shift+Home] key combination: the insertion point is at the beginning of the line.
[shift+Ena] key combination: Insert point to the end of line.
[shift+ Space] key combination: half-angle/full-angle switching.
[ctrl+ Left Button] Key combination: Select a paragraph of text.
[Ait+ left key] key combination: select a paragraph of text.
[Ait+Ctri+ Shift+Pagedown] key combination: move the cursor to the end of the window.
[Ait+Ctri+C] key combination: insert copyright symbol.
[Ait+Ctri+R] key combination: insert the registered trademark symbol.
[Ait+Ctri+T] key combination: insert the trademark symbol.
【Ait+Ctri+。 ] Key combination: Insert ellipsis.
[Ait+Tab] key combination: switch tasks and windows.
[Ait+F4] key combination: close the program.
[Ait+ space] key combination: drop-down word control menu.
[Ait+Prntscreen] key combination: window copy.
Press and hold the [Ait] key to temporarily ignore the grid and let the picture move smoothly.
Hold down the [Shift] key, and select the graphics to be aligned in turn to complete multiple graphics alignment tasks.
Press and hold the [Shift] key and click the Print Preview button to print the worksheet quickly.
Press [shift+Enter] to insert a new slide after the current slide.
Press the [Tab] key to select the next cell;
Press [Shift+ Tab] to select the previous cell.
Press the [Shift] key and then press the Enter key, and a new line character will be generated.
If an open window or form has many corners and the database window is completely blocked, just press [F 1 1] (you can also press [Ait+ F 1 1]) and the database window will move forward.
Press [CTRI+:] to enter the current date;
Press [CTRI+Shift+:] to enter the current time.
Select a large area, press [Shift] and drag the mouse.
Select a rectangular area, press [Ait] and drag the mouse (invalid in Outliner).
▲Excel shortcut keys and function keys help
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The following list contains Ctrl shortcut keys, function keys and other commonly used shortcut keys, as well as their functional descriptions. For more information about all available shortcuts and their specific uses, refer to keyboard shortcuts.
To print this topic, press Tab to select Show All, press Enter, and then press CTRL+P.
Note If frequently used operations do not have shortcut keys, you can create shortcut keys by recording macros.
Ctrl combination shortcut key
Key description
Ctrl+ (unhide all hidden rows in the selected area.
Ctrl+) Unhides all hidden columns in the selected range.
ctrl+& amp; Apply an outline to the selected cells.
Ctrl+_ Deletes the outline in the selected cell.
Ctrl+~ Applies the "General" number format.
Ctrl+$ applies the currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers are in brackets).
Ctrl+% applies the "percentage" format without decimal places.
Ctrl+ applies an exponential format with two decimal places.
Ctrl+# applies the date format to the day, month and year.
Ctrl+@ applies the "time" format with hours and minutes and AM or PM.
Ctrl+! Apply a number format with two decimal places, a thousand separator and a minus sign (-) (representing negative values).
Ctrl+- Displays the Delete dialog box for deleting the selected cell.
Ctrl+* selects the current range around the active cell (data range surrounded by blank rows and columns).
In a PivotTable, it will select the entire PivotTable.
Ctrl+: enter the current time.
ctrl+; Enter the current date.
Ctrl++Toggles the display of cell values and formulas in the worksheet.
Ctrl+' copies the formula from the cell above the active cell to the cell or formula bar.
Ctrl+ "Copies the value from the cell above the active cell to the cell or formula bar.
Ctrl+ displays the Insert dialog box for inserting blank cells.
Ctrl+ 1 displays the Cell Format dialog box.
Ctrl+2 applies or cancels bold formatting.
Ctrl+3 applies or cancels the skew format.
Ctrl+4 applies or cancels the underline.
Ctrl+5 applies or cancels strikethrough.
Ctrl+6 toggles between hidden objects, displayed objects, and displayed object placeholders.
Ctrl+7 shows or hides the standard toolbar.
Ctrl+8 shows or hides outline symbols.
Ctrl+9 hides the selected row.
Ctrl+0 hides the selected column.
Ctrl+A selects the entire worksheet.
If the worksheet contains data, pressing Ctrl+A will select the current range. Press Ctrl+A again to select the entire worksheet.
When the insertion point is to the right of the function name in the formula, the Function Parameters dialog box is displayed.
When the insertion point is to the right of the function name in the formula, pressing Ctrl+Shift+A will insert the parameter name and brackets.
Ctrl+B applies or cancels bold formatting.
Ctrl+C copies the selected cell.
If you press Ctrl+C twice in a row, the Microsoft Office clipboard will be displayed.
Ctrl+D uses the Fill Down command to copy the contents and formatting of the top cell in the selected area to the cells below.
Ctrl+F displays the Find dialog box.
Press Shift+F5 to display this dialog box, and press Shift+F4 to repeat the last search operation.
Ctrl+G displays the Locate dialog box.
Pressing F5 also displays this dialog box.
Ctrl+H displays the Find and Replace dialog box.
Ctrl+I applies or cancels the skew format.
Ctrl+K displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box for a new hyperlink or the Edit Hyperlink dialog box for a selected existing hyperlink.
Ctrl+L displays the Create List dialog box.
Ctrl+N creates a new blank file.
Ctrl+O displays the Open dialog box to open or find a file.
Press Ctrl+Shift+O to select all cells that contain comments.
Ctrl+P displays the print dialog box.
Ctrl+R uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and formatting of the leftmost cell in the selected area to the right cell.
Ctrl+S saves the active file and its current file name, location and file format.
Ctrl+U applies or cancels the underline.
Ctrl+V inserts the contents of the clipboard at the insertion point and replaces any selection. You can use this shortcut key only after cutting or copying the contents of an object, text or cell.
Ctrl+W closes the selected workbook window.
Ctrl+X cuts the selected cell.
Ctrl+Y repeats the last command or operation (if possible).
Ctrl+Z uses the Undo command to undo the last command or delete the last typed entry.
When the AutoCorrect smart tag is displayed, press Ctrl+Shift+Z to use the Undo or Repeat command to undo or resume the last AutoCorrect operation.
functional key
Key description
F 1 Displays the Help task pane.
Press Ctrl+F 1 to close and reopen the current task pane.
Press Alt+F 1 to create a data chart in the current range.
Press Alt+Shift+F 1 to insert a new worksheet.
F2 Edit the active cell and place the insertion point at the end of the cell content. If editing in a cell is prohibited, it will also move the insertion point to the formula bar.
Press Shift+F2 to edit the cell comment.
F3 Paste the defined name into the formula.
Press Shift+F3 to display the Insert Function dialog box.
F4 Repeat the last command or operation (if possible).
Press Ctrl+F4 to close the selected workbook window.
F5 displays the positioning dialog box.
Press Ctrl+F5 to restore the window size of the selected workbook window.
F6 Switch to the next pane that has been split in the worksheet (Window menu, Split command).
Press Shift+F6 to switch to the previous pane in the split worksheet.
If multiple workbook windows are open, press Ctrl+F6 to switch to the next workbook window.
F7 Displays the Spelling Check dialog box to check the spelling of active sheet or the selection.
If the workbook window is not maximized, press Ctrl+F7 to execute the move command on the window. Use the arrow keys to move the window, and then press Esc when finished.
F8 Turn extended mode on or off. In extended mode, "ext" will appear in the status line and press the arrow keys to expand the selection.
By pressing Shift+F8, you can use the arrow keys to add nonadjacent cells or ranges to the selected cell range.
When the workbook is not maximized, press Ctrl+F8 to execute the Size command (on the Control menu of the workbook window).
Press Alt+F8 to display the Macro dialog box for running, editing or deleting macros.
F9 calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks.
If you press F9 first and then press Enter (for array formulas, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter), the selected formula part will be calculated and replaced with the calculated value.
Press Shift+F9 to calculate the active sheet.
Press Ctrl+Alt+F9 to calculate all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since the last calculation.
If you press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9, the related formulas will be rechecked, and then all cells in all open workbooks will be calculated, including cells not marked as needing calculation.
Press Ctrl+F9 to minimize the workbook window to an icon.
F 10 Select the menu bar or close the open menu and submenu at the same time.
Press Shift+F 10 to display the shortcut menu of the selected item.
Press Alt+Shift+F 10 to display the menu or message of smart tag. If there are multiple smart tags, press this key combination to switch to the next smart tag and display its menu or message.
Press Ctrl+F 10 to maximize or restore the selected workbook window.
Create a data chart of the current area.
Press Shift+F 1 1 to insert a new worksheet.
Press Alt+F 1 1 to open the Visual Basic editor, where you can create macros using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
Press Alt+Shift+F 1 1 to open the Microsoft script editor, where you can add text, edit HTML tags and modify any script code.
F 12 Displays the Save As dialog box.
Other useful shortcut keys
Key description
Arrow keys move one cell up, down, left or right in the worksheet.
Press Ctrl+ arrow keys to move to the current data area in the worksheet (data area: a cell area containing data, surrounded by blank cells or a datasheet border. ) edge.
Press Shift+ arrow keys to expand the selection of cells by one cell.
Press Ctrl+Shift+ Arrow keys to expand the selection of cells to the last non-blank cell in the same column or row as the active cell.
When the menu is visible, press the left key or the right key to select the left or right menu. When the submenu opens, press these arrow keys to switch between the main menu and the submenu.
When a menu or submenu is open, press the down arrow or up arrow to select the next or previous command.
In the dialog box, press the arrow keys to move between options or a group of options in the Open drop-down list.
Press Alt+ down arrow to open the selected drop-down list.
Backspace deletes a character to the left of the formula bar.
You can also clear the contents of the active cell.
Delete Deletes the cell contents (data and formulas) from the selected cell without affecting the cell format or comments.
In cell editing mode, pressing this key will delete the characters to the right of the insertion point.
End When the scroll lock is turned on, move to the cell in the lower right corner of the window.
When a menu or submenu is visible, you can also select the last command on the menu.
Press Ctrl+End to move to the last cell on the worksheet, which is the intersection of the bottom row and the right column.
Press Ctrl+Shift+End to extend the cell selection to the last cell used on the worksheet (lower right corner).
Enter completes the cell entry in the cell or edit bar and (by default) selects the cell below.
In the data form, press this key to move to the first field of the next record.
Open the selected menu (press F 10 to activate the menu bar), or perform the operation of the selected command.
In the dialog box, press this key to perform the operation of the default command button (the button with prominent outline, usually the OK button) in the dialog box.
Press Alt+Enter to start a new line in the same cell.
Press Ctrl+Enter to fill the selected cell range with the current entry.
Press Shift+Enter to complete cell input and select the cell above.
Esc cancels the input in the cell or edit bar.
Press this key to close the open menu or submenu, dialog box or message window.
Home moves to the beginning of the row in the worksheet.
When the scroll lock is turned on, move to the cell in the upper left corner of the window.
When a menu or submenu is visible, select the first command on the menu.
Press Ctrl+Home to move to the beginning of the worksheet.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Home to extend the cell selection to the beginning of the worksheet.
Page Down moves down one screen in the worksheet.
Press Alt+Page Down to move one screen to the right in the worksheet.
Press Ctrl+Page Down to move to the next worksheet in the workbook.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Page Down to select the current worksheet and the next worksheet in the workbook.
Page Up moves one screen up in the worksheet.
Press Alt+Page Up to move one screen to the left in the worksheet.
Press Ctrl+Page Up to move to the previous worksheet in the workbook.
Press Ctrl+Shift+Page Up to select the current worksheet and the previous worksheet in the workbook.
Spacebar In the dialog box, perform the operation of the selected button, or select or clear the check box.
Press Ctrl+ SPACEBAR to select an entire column in the worksheet.
Press Shift+ Spacebar to select the entire row in the worksheet.
Press Ctrl+Shift+ SPACEBAR to select the entire worksheet.
If the worksheet contains data, pressing Ctrl+Shift+ Spacebar will select the current range. Press Ctrl+Shift+ SPACEBAR again to select the entire worksheet.
After selecting an object, press Ctrl+Shift+ SPACEBAR to select all the objects on the worksheet.
Press Alt+ SPACEBAR to display the control menu of Excel window.
Tab Move one cell to the right in the worksheet.
In a protected worksheet, you can move between unlocked cells.
In the dialog box, move to the next option or option group.
Press Shift+Tab to move to the previous cell (in the worksheet) or the previous option (in the dialog box).
In the dialog box, press Ctrl+Tab to switch to the next tab.
In the dialog box, press Ctrl+Shift+Tab to switch to the previous tab.