The distinctiveness of a trademark means that the trademark you are preparing to apply for has no obvious characteristics compared with the words in real life, such as: "Che brand car"
"Cream brand cake"
"Table brand chair"
etc. are the most common ones. Even if your trademark is approved to see your products, your trademark will not be directly contacted.
1. The ability to distinguish from each other. In statistical hypothesis testing, the probability value of a recognized low-probability event is called the significance level of statistical hypothesis testing. The same quantity is measured multiple times, and then the average is calculated. The positive or negative deviation from the mean is its uncertainty. The greater the difference, the greater the measurement uncertainty. For a random variable with a specific probability of occurrence, its specific value interval ------ a certain value range ("an interval").
2. A trademark specifically refers to the attribute of a trademark that indicates the source of a company’s goods or services and distinguishes them from those of other companies. It is one of the essential elements of a trademark.
3. Difference
The significance level refers to a probability value
Uncertainty is the probability interval of a certain event
Confidence The interval is a valid interval artificially taken with reference to actual users
4. Significance was first proposed by Fisher in hypothesis testing. There are two errors in hypothesis testing: rejecting the true and accepting the false. Significance The test only considers the probability of a true-rejection error, that is, considering the Significance of the original hypothesis, and controlling the probability of true-rejection below the threshold alpha given in advance to consider whether the original hypothesis is correct. Simply put, it is to judge whether the statistic to be tested is significantly different from the hypothesis
If the difference is obvious, the cut-off probability is the significance probability.