The general definition of women’s bags still belongs to bags, because when going out, it is not very convenient to carry some needed things, and it is easy to lose them if you hold them in pieces, so it can It is a bag to hold these small items. So how should we choose the category of women’s bag trademarks?
Through the query in the Bajie Intellectual Property Trademark Encyclopedia, we know that the category of the women’s bag trademark is Class 18-1802-Leather, artificial leather products, boxes and travel bags not belonging to other classes, Japanese Leather products - (women's) wallet 180010, etc. The difference between the styles of women's bags and men's bags is actually the appearance. In other aspects, there is actually no difference in form.
In the process of using trademarks, because the company's trademark has been approved, the company rarely spends the same thought on the trademark. However, in terms of the use of trademarks, companies should actually pay more attention to this aspect. There are many matters that need to be paid attention to during use. Some improper uses may lead to the direct invalidation or cancellation of trademarks. It mainly includes the following:
① Modify trademark information. Although the law stipulates that trademark information can be changed, trademark information must be changed through formal channels. When changing the data at the time of trademark registration, a trademark change application must be submitted to the Trademark Office. If the registrant modifies the trademark information at will without filing a trademark application with the Trademark Office, If the application is submitted to the bureau, then the modification will not be considered successful, and there will be bigger problems in the later stage.
② No renewal upon expiration. There is a time limit after trademark registration. This is not permanent. According to my country’s Trademark Law, a registered trademark is only valid for ten years. If the enterprise later wants to continue to use the registered trademark, it must renew the trademark in accordance with legal procedures. If the trademark renewal is not carried out within the specified time, the Trademark Office will cancel the registered trademark. The hard work of registering a trademark in the early stage will also become meaningless.
③Not used for three consecutive years. Once a trademark is approved, it should be put into use as soon as possible. This is a warning that can be seen in many places. The Trademark Law stipulates that if a registered trademark is not used for three consecutive years without justifiable reasons, any person or unit may apply to the Trademark Office to cancel the registered trademark. After the trademark is successfully withdrawn, the trademark registrant will lose the rights to the trademark and will no longer be able to use the trademark on goods and services.
④ Become a common name. Although the higher the visibility of a trademark, the better. However, while increasing the visibility, the trademark cannot be turned into a generic trademark. The function of a trademark is to distinguish the source of goods and services. If it becomes a generic name, the distinctiveness of the trademark will be weakened. It cannot be used as a separate registered trademark.
So when using a trademark, you should also keep in mind some common sense and do not invalidate the trademark due to your own negligence. Although you can apply again after it expires, you can still use it within the valid scope. It will be more convenient to get up.