Bonjour, formerly known as Rendezvous, is the trademark name used by the server search protocol launched by Apple Computer Company after the version of Mac OS X 10.2 developed by Apple Computer Company.
This is an official statement, so why did this program suddenly appear? That's because you installed iTunes and other Apple mobile phone related software on your computer. bonjour will be automatically installed on our computer after iTunes is installed.
Bonjour is the name given by Apple to the open zero-set network standard based on multicast DNS, which can automatically discover computers, devices and services on IP networks. Bonjour uses the industry standard IP protocol to allow devices to automatically discover each other without entering an IP address or configuring a DNS server.
Devices using Bonjour will automatically spread their own service information in the network and listen to the service information of other devices. Devices are like greeting each other, which is why they are named Bonjour (French: Hello). In this way, even without a network administrator, Bonjour can easily find the systems and services in the LAN.