After purchasing a trademark, a merchant sometimes finds that he has purchased a similar trademark. Should he apply for a refund after purchasing a similar trademark? Bajie Trademark Buying and Selling Network found out that whether you need to apply for a refund depends on whether the similarity between the trademark and the registered trademark has reached the point of confusion.
Because if a similar trademark is easily confused with the original trademark, ordinary consumers are likely to mistake the similar trademark for the original trademark, thereby driving up the sales of the similar trademark and thus benefiting the original trademark. Will be damaged due to similar trademarks, so after purchasing similar trademarks, you need to apply for a refund, otherwise it is likely to cause legal disputes.
So how do we distinguish whether the trademark we purchased is a similar trademark? We mainly look at it from three aspects. The driver’s trademark is only very similar to the glyph, pronunciation, composition and color of the trademark text, so we can compare our own trademark with other people’s trademarks. If three of the three aspects If almost all aspects are similar, then this trademark can be defined as a similar trademark. When we purchase a similar trademark, we should immediately apply for a refund on the platform where we purchased it.
As the saying goes, every secret must be sparse. Even if many merchants have carefully selected for a long time, they still cannot avoid duplication of their own trademarks with other people's trademarks. Therefore, choosing the right platform can avoid this situation. For example, on the Bajie platform, when sellers upload their own trademarks, the platform will automatically delete whether the trademark is similar to other trademarks, so any similar trademarks will not exist on this platform. If buyers choose to upload their own trademarks on Bajie, Or make a purchase, they don’t have to worry about whether to apply for a refund after purchasing a similar trademark, because the similar trademark does not exist on this platform at all.
Purchasing a trademark is also a trademark transfer. If the trademark purchased is a similar trademark, the existence of the trademark will most likely not be recognized by law. If this happens, the buyer will really be in trouble. It’s hard to say, so we not only need to choose a good platform to avoid this situation, but we also need to apply for a refund as soon as possible after discovering that we have purchased a similar trademark, thereby reducing the losses we suffer from the trademark purchaser.
Bajie’s 30th category convenience food trademark is hotly recommended
Trademark name: Understand the way of tea
Understand the way of tea trademark registration number: 24167004
The scope of use of the "Knowing the Way of Tea" trademark: coffee; tea; sugar; bird's nest with rock sugar; cereal products; rice-based snacks; tea drinks; flowers or leaves used as tea substitutes; pastries; condiments;