Baojun 310 is the cheapest at the 4S store in Liuzhou.
As for the cheapest, the production base in Liuzhou is the cheapest. Many people in Guangdong go there to buy. In Guangdong Province, Dongguan should be cheaper and there are more 4S stores. In addition, there are It is a car city, so it is very competitive and offers more discounts.
The trademark pattern design of the Baojun brand is consistent with the sound and shape of the brand name "Baojun". The "horse head" is used as the main element of the brand logo, expressing the meaning through form, highlighting traditional Chinese elements and modern composition forms. The integrated creative ideas fully embody the brand spirit of "optimism and enterprising, steady and reliable, shrewd and confident".
The logo features a horse with its head held high, representing the company and brand to pay tribute to millions of car owners and users in China.
How about the Baojun 310:
The Baojun 310 was born to replace the Lechi, which was discontinued because of this. However, the 1.2L engine of the Lechi was continued by the Baojun 310. Since the Baojun 310 was launched in September 2016, no serious malfunctions have occurred. If you regret buying the Baojun 310, you should be more worried about its quality.
After disassembly, it was found that the Baojun 310 does not have a rear anti-collision steel beam. The overall safety performance is more worrying. This is the fatal flaw of the Baojun 310. However, many people may think that it is normal for a car of this price to be equipped like this, because more car owners will only use it as a mobility scooter.