The TOEFL vocabulary is very large, and we can use some memory methods to help us remember it better. For example, the root association memory method.
TOEFL Vocabulary: Root Associative Memory 01
adj. Bald, bald
[ 03:19.73]banner
n. flag; flag, banner
n. (fishhook) barb, inverted thorn
n. Barbecue grill, barbecue, barbecue picnic
a. Naked
n. Barge
[03:39.16]bark p>
vi. Bark, roar, roar
n. Bark
n. Barn, livestock shed
n. barrel; cylinder; barrel
a. Barren; infertile
n. Obstacle (object), fence, barrier
v. barter, barter
n. basin, basin
n. Porous beads; dewdrops
n. beak, beak
n. beam; light; beam; beard
v. shine
n. heartbeat, beat, beat
p>adj. tired
n. beaver, beaver
p>vi. Performance, behavior; operation
n. Behavior, behavior, attitude
[04:37.51 ]belt
n. Belt, strip, zone, area
adj. Beneficial, useful, advantageous
n. benefit, advantage, benefit, benefit
adj. kind
good climate
v. siege, trouble, surround
n. drink
n. Prejudice
n. Bill; check; bill; bill; beak; banknote
Something shaped like a beak
v. to bind, bind
n. to bind
[05:23.48] biography
n .Blade, blade; blade
adj. (person) emotionally stable, (food) tasteless
[05: 39.06]blanket
n. Blanket; covering layer
n. A gust of wind; explosion, a burst, eruption sharp sound
decolor; bleach, bleach
v .mix, blend
TOEFL Vocabulary: Root Associative Memory 02
[00:14.18]blizzard n. blizzard
p>[00:17.07]block n. large block, block v. block
[00:22.36]bloom n. blossom
[00:26.93]blossom n. flower, bloom vi. bloom
[00:30.54]blur n. blurry things v. blur...
[00:34.03]board n. board n. shipboard committee meal expenses board
[00:41.70]boast vt. to have; to be proud of, boast of...
[00:45.60]bog n. swamp[
00:47.09]bold a. bold, bold
[00:51.91]bond n. connection, connection, bond chemical bond
[00:58.98]bony a. many bony; thin and scrawny
[01:02.42]boom n. prosperity, rapid growth
[01:06.66]boost vt.n. promote, support, praise, improve
[01:11.58]botany n.Botany
[01:15.42]boulder n.Big stone
[01:19.82]bounce v. bounce bounce bounce back, (bank) bounce check
[01:24.49]bound v. jump adj. bound required boundary
[01:30.92]boundary n. dividing line, boundary
[01:35.11]brand n. brand, mark, (commodity) brand, trademark, inscription, engraving
[01:38.58]brass n. Brass; brassware
[01:44.63]breakthrough n. breakthrough
[01:48.28]breed vt. Breeding and breeding
[01 :53.79]breeze n. breeze v. briskly walking
[01:58.78]brief a. brief; short
vt. To shine; to be happy
[02:05.18]brilliance n. (sound) clear and moving; brilliant
[02:09.27]brilliant a. brilliance of; outstanding, shining, outstanding
[02:14.06]brittle a. brittle; fragile
[02:16.93]brochure n. false edition, booklet, booklet
ronze n. Bronze statue bronze
[02:23.02]brush n. Brush brush skirmish
[02:28.36]bubble v. Bubble n. Bubble, water bubble
[02:34.45]buck n. buck v. (horse) jump
[02:38.14]buckle n. belt buckle v. buckle
[02:42.36]bud n. (anatomy) bud, bud;
[02:46.66]budget n. budget, budget
[02:53.75]buffalo n. buffalo ;Bison
[02:56.85]bulb n. The bulb of a plant bulb
[03:02.72]bulk n.Volume; most of it
[ 03:07.50]bulletin n. bulletin; announcement, concise news
[03:11.86]bump vt. Memory 03
[03:16.83]bundle n. bundle of baggage
[03:22.08]bureau n. bureau, department, office; company, office
[03:26.92]burgeon v. rapid growth, development
[03:31.94]burrow n. (rabbit, etc.) dug a hole in the ground, v. dig a hole
[03 :36.53]cabin n. cabin (shabby); cabin, engine room; v. live in a cabin
[03:39.14]cabinet n. cabinet, cupboard, cabinet display cabinet
[03:44.91]cable cable cable telegraph
[03:51.04]cactus n. cactus
[03:54.07]cafeteria n. cafeteria
[03:58.07]calcium n.calcium
[04:00.55]calculate vt.calculate; estimate; plan, speculate plan
[04:06.16]calculus n.calculus; Calculus
[04:10.22]calendar n. calendar calendar month schedule
[04:17.84]calibration n. calibration; calibration, scale, scale
[04:21.55]camouflage n./v. cover up, disguise
[04:25.33]campaign n. campaign; campaign activity to participate in the election
[04:31.57]candidate n. candidate
[04:36.24]cannibalism n. cannibalism
[04:39.14]canopy n. mosquito net, canopy
[04 :43.82]canvas n. rough canvas, canvas
[04:47.05]canyon n. canyon
[04:49.77]capability capability performance capacity
[ 04:54.99]capacity ability identity capacity
[04:59.77]cape n. shawl, cape; cape
[05:04.60]capillary n. capillary
[05:07.45]captive n. captive, imprisoned person prey
[05:12.09]carbon n. carbon
[05:14.79]cardiac a. Heart, heart disease; cardiotonic; people suffering from heart disease
[05:19.80]cardinal adj. main, important n. red crested bird
[05:26.27]cargo n. cargo, cargo
[05:29.42]caribou n.Caribou
[05:33.83]carnivore n.Carnivore
[05:36.97]carp n.Carp
[05:39.97]cart n.cart n.cart cart
[05:45.46]cartilage n.cartilage
[05:47.76]carve vt.engraving, engraving ;cut
[05:52.04]cascade n. small waterfall
TOEFL Vocabulary: Root Associative Memory 04
[00:14.51]cascara n. laxative agent
[00:17.40]cassette n.cassette;cassette tape
[00:23.18]cast role attachment casting throw
[00:31.40]catalog n. catalog, catalogue
[00:33.32]catalyst n. catalyst; stimulus
[00:37.40]catastrophe n. Catastrophe, catastrophe, sudden catastrophe
[00:39.90]category n. Category, category, scope
[00:44.14]caterpillar n. (animal) caterpillar Butterfly larva
[00:49.40]cautious a. careful, cautious
[00:53.52]cavity n. hole, hole, cavity, cavity
[00:56.91]cease v.& n. stop, terminate, end
[01:01.16]celebrate vt. celebrate; sing, praise
[01:06.29 ]celebrated a. famous, famous
[01:10.88]celestial adj. celestial, heavenly, sky
[01:13.59]cell n. cell; small room, grassroots organization
[01:20.08]census n. statistics; census, census
[01:24.32]centennial n. centenary
[01:28.02]ceramic a. pottery n. ceramic products
[01:31.79]cereal n. cereals, grains, cereals
[01:36.10]ceremony n. Ceremony, ceremony; etiquette
[01:40.46]certificate n. certificate, certificate, license, certificate
[01:45.96]chafe v. scratching, irritating, burning, Scratch
[01:51.21]chamber n. room, bedroom, house, (chest) cavity, cave
[01:55.55]champion n. fighter; advocate champion, Advocate support
[02:01.32]championship n.championship championship status championship
[02:08.43]channel n. channel, channel, channel, strait, channel
[02:11.70]chaos n. chaos
[02:14.14]chapel n. chapel, worship
[02:17.45]character n. character; characteristics; role
[02:22.77]characteristic a. unique n. characteristic, typical
[02:29.14]characterize vt. expresses the characteristics of..., depicts... character
< p> [02:34.73]charcoal n. charcoal; charcoal[02:37.46]chart n. chart, chart, navigation (line) chart illustrated with pictures
[02: 41.96] charter n. (company) license, charter charter
[02:45.52]checked a. Checkered, checkerboard
[02:50.52]chief n. chief , chief, leader main general
[02:57.51]chill vt. to become cold n. to chill
[03:00.48]chilled a.frozen
[03:04.19]chimpanzee n.Chimpanzee
[03:07.37]chip vt.Chisel off the chips
[03:14.74]chlorine n. Chlorine
[03:18.79]choir n. (church) singing group
TOEFL Vocabulary: Root Associative Memory 05
[03:22.63]cholesterol n .(biochemistry) cholesterol
[03:26.94]choreographer n.choreographer
[03:29.99]chorus n.chorus, song and dance group
[ 03:34.13]chromosome n. chromosome
[03:38.30]chronic a. long-term, chronic, long-lasting habitual, frequent
[03:42.06] circuit n. circuit; circuit; patrol
[03:46.25]circular a. round; circular
[03:50.90]circulation n. circulation; (currency, etc.) circulation , issuance amount
[03:56.98]circumference, circumference, circumferential line, periphery
[04:01.57]circumstance n. situation, condition, circumstance, environment< /p>
[04:05.49]cite vt. cite examples
[04:10.84]civilian n. civilian folk
[04:15.84]claim n . (based on rights) claim, claim, claim, assertion
[04:21.95]clam n. clam; clam meat; taciturn person
[04:24.61]clamor n .Noise, shouting, loud demands, noisy
[04:29.02]clarify vt. clarify, clarify
[04:33.65]classic n.Masterpiece a.A typical example of an immortal classic Classical works
[04:41.38]classify vt. classify, grade...
[04: 45.41]clay n. clay; soil
[ 04:50.48]client n. client; party; customer
[04:55.58]cliff n. cliff n. cliff
[04:59.87]cling v. stick, attach Attach tightly
[05:04.76]clinical a. clinical, for ward use
[05:07.38]clipper n. scissors, clipper
]closet n. Closet; small room, hidden
[05:15.15]clue n. Clue, prompt
[05:18.53]clump n. Clumps of soil and grass , bushes, heavy footsteps
[05:23.89]clumsy adj. clumsy; inflexible
[05:27.22]cluster n. a group; a group; vi. swarm, clump, swarm
[05:34.60]clutch vt. seize vi. grasp, seize n. an egg (egg) hatched once
[05:43.39 ]coarse a. Coarse, rough
[05:47.98]coax vt. To fiddle with patiently; to coax clever processing, patient processing
[05:53.35]code n. Code; Code; Code Encryption Regulation Coding
[06:01.41]coexist vi. Simultaneous existence, ***existence
[06:04.36]cognition n. Cognition Cognition
[06:10.62]coherent a. coherent, consistent, organized, coherent
[06:15.17]cohesion n. cohesion, cohesion, unity and union
[06:21.81]coil n. (one) coil; coil vt. coiled around
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