The "shoes and hats" in the 25th category of the trademark registration certificate was added in the 1th edition of the International Classification (Nice Classification). The 1th edition of the International Classification came into effect in 211, including some new categories of goods and services to reflect the ever-developing business and technical fields.
Therefore, "shoes and hats" as an independent commodity category appeared for the first time in the 1th international classification. This means that when applying for trademark registration and choosing the 25th category after 211, you can choose the subcategory of "shoes and hats" for registration.
It should be noted that specific national or regional trademark registration offices may adopt earlier versions of international classification in a specific time. Therefore, the exact year may vary from region to region. If you need to know when the Trademark Registration Office of a specific country or region adopted the 1th international classification and included the subcategory of "shoes and hats", it is suggested that you consult the relevant information of the Trademark Registration Office of that country or region or consult a professional trademark registration agency.
I hope the above information is helpful to you! If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
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