TM is a trademark symbol. In China, the TM on a trademark also has its own special meaning. In fact, the TM mark does not protect the trademark. It is different from R. TM means that the trademark has been submitted to the state. The Trademark Office has filed an application, and the National Trademark Office has also issued a "Notice of Acceptance" and entered the opposition period. This prevents others from filing repeated applications and also indicates that existing trademark holders have priority to use the trademark.
WeChat is a free application launched by Tencent on January 21, 2011 to provide instant messaging services for smart terminals. WeChat supports cross-communication operators and cross-operating system platforms through the network. Send free (requires a small amount of network traffic) voice messages, videos, pictures and texts. At the same time, you can also use the data and location-based social plug-ins "Shake", "Drift Bottle", "Moments", "Public Platform", "Voice Notepad" and other service plug-ins.