Bosideng down jackets are very popular for their high quality and have many loyal buyers. There are many store owners on Taobao selling down jackets of this brand. The weather is relatively cold this winter, and the sales of down jackets are very good. Now is the peak sales season at the end of the year. Stores must carefully identify the authenticity when replenishing goods, so as not to accidentally buy fakes. Let the store's reputation be affected.
Genuine down jacket product identification must comply with standards and should include the following: manufacturer’s name and address, product name, trademark, specifications and models, ingredients and content of raw materials used, washing methods, and product implementation standard numbers , product quality grade and product quality inspection certificate. For down jackets, it should also indicate the down content of the filling down, the type of down, gray and white color, down filling amount, etc. If a down jacket is not fully marked, If there are many missing items, attention should be paid to them.
Before buying, I patted the down products with my hands and found that the down products with diamond velvet must be inferior products. Most of the fillings of inferior products are broken feathers with thin feather stems, which are easy to remove. Of course, it is normal for a small amount of velvet to overflow from the stitching when it is drilled out of the fabric, but upon closer inspection, it is easy to distinguish between velvet and stemmed feathers.
The fabric of the down jacket must prevent velvet from being trapped, and must also have a certain degree of air permeability. Poor air permeability means that water vapor cannot easily escape during wearing, which can easily cause moisture and make people feel uncomfortable and unwarm. It is a poor product. The fabrics of down jackets are often thicker. Some people think that thicker is better. In fact, they are wrong. The warmth of down jackets depends on the amount of down and the amount of down. Non-breathable fabrics are not easy to evaporate water after washing, which will cause the down to wear out. When exposed to moisture, it may deteriorate to varying degrees and even emit a foul odor.