JD.COM is a professional online shopping mall for Jinling 12 Chai cigarettes. It provides you with the price picture information of Jinling 12 Chai cigarettes, user comments on Jinling 12 Chai cigarettes, selected shopping guides of Jinling 12 Chai cigarettes, and more information about the price picture of Jinling 12 Chai cigarettes. It is all in JD.COM JD Mall.
"Nanjing (Twelve Women in Jinling)" highlights the quaint artistic style in packaging design.
the trademark integrates the figure of "Twelve Women in Jinling" by the famous painter Liu Danzhai, the seven-line poem by the famous redologist Zhou Ruchang, and the title of seal script written by the famous calligrapher Chen Dayu. The paintings, poems, books and seals are simple and elegant, and the collocation is patchy and bring out the best in each other, which makes the modern beauty and classical beauty of the product harmonious and unified, and the internal quality and external art.