1. First open the website of China Trademark Network. There is a disclaimer on the homepage. You must click I accept. 2. Then enter the trademark query page and select comprehensive query. 3. We enter the trademark you want to search for in the trademark name column, such as YAMAHA, and then click the search button. 4. The system will display the information of all applicants who have registered YAMAHA trademarks. You can see that there are too many categories, and you may not get the results you want. 5. We can enter the international classification number of the query trademark in the query conditions, and click the product classification help to find the category numbers of all product classifications. For example, the category number we want to check is musical instruments, and the number is fifteen. Enter 15 in the category number, the trademark YAMAHA, and then search again. 6. The range of query results is immediately narrowed. Let’s click on a specific item to see. 7. The system will pop up a window prompting you to enter a verification code. 8. After entering the verification code, the specific information of the trademark will be displayed. Here you can not only check the applicant for the product, that is, the trademark owner, but you can also check the time of trademark application, the category used by the trademark, the trademark pattern, etc. 8