2. Is there something wrong with your statement? The fake O-type father has no H gene, but it should be hh
3. The prerequisite for the expression of ABO antigen is the existence of H.
for example, HhIBIB and HhIAIA, their offspring are HHIAIB (AB type) HhIAIB(AB type) hh(IAIB) pseudoo type.
understanding: if there is no H gene, no matter whether the blood type gene is IAIA, IAIB or others, it will be O type (pseudo O type)
4. The pseudo O type father should be hhIBIB or HHI mother is HHii or Hhii
Children get IB gene from their father and H gene from their mother. The genotype should be HhIBi (blood type B)
H gene controls the production of substance H, which is the precursor of A antigen and B antigen.