Agency document number: Trademark registration application Applicant name: Applicant address: Yes *** Same application: □ Yes □ No Postal code: Contact person: Telephone (including area code): Fax (including Area code): Name of agency organization: Trademark type: □ General □ Collective □ Certification □ Three-dimensional □ Color Trademark Description: Category: Goods/Services: (Attachment: pages) Applicant’s stamp (signature): Agency organization’s stamp: Agent's signature: Paste one trademark drawing in the box and attach five additional drawings. Five attached color drawings and one black and white ink drawing of the specified color. The drawing should be no larger than 10×10cm and smaller than 5×5cm. Trademark Registration Application (Attachment) Category: Goods/Services: Trademark Registration Application (Attachment) List of names of other applicants with the same name: