If a user's computer wants to access the Internet, it must have a number, so that others can identify any computer connected to the Internet, no matter whether it is the largest or the smallest, it needs a number similar to the telephone number in the telephone network.
a domain name can be simply considered as the name of a user accessing the Internet on the Internet. On the Internet, people use the domain name to find the network address of the network access unit. Therefore, it is best to choose a domain name that is consistent with your own company name and registered trademark, so that others can find it easily, and it is also unified with the publicity made by the company at ordinary times to form a complete image.
the region in a domain name (the rightmost part of a domain name) is divided into two categories: one is composed of three letters, which is applicable to the United States, and the other is composed of two letters, which is applicable to other countries except the United States. A three-letter area is established according to the type of organization, for example, com is used to represent business. The following table lists the three-letter domain names in the United States:
In the United States, most top-level domain names of Internet sites use the above three-letter domain names. Outside the United States, the use of geographical names is more common, which we will talk about below. So, is there a complete list of host names? No. In principle, it should be possible to summarize and arrange the names of all kinds of systems. Anyone who does this, on the one hand, is bored out of idleness, and on the other hand, is interested in collecting network statistics, which has been tried in the past. However, with the rapid expansion of the network, their work of collecting site names could not be completed even if it took a month, and finally they had to give up.
except for the United States, the regional names of other countries or regions in the world are represented by the character codes of their abbreviations. The abbreviation of China's country name is cn, so a machine in Tianjin University in China is named abc.tju.ti.cn. Network administrators in each country can name the host as they see fit.
Three-letter regional names in the United States, top-level domain names, Com, commercial Organizations, Edu, educational organizations, Gov, government departments, Int, international organizations (mainly NATO), Mil, military outlets, Net, network organizations, org, and other countries that do not meet the above classification requirements are subdivided according to the organization categories. For example, the computer in an Australian university is named sait.edu.au (Saite, Education, Australia). There are also some countries that name regions more casually. The following table lists the more commonly used geographical region names. Geographical regional top-level domaIN name list regional countries or regions regional countries or regions AU Australia AT Austria BE BElgium CA Canada FL Finland (* * * and China) DK Denmark DE Germany FR France IE Ireland in India IT Italy IL Israel NL Netherlands (Kingdom) JP Japan RU Russian Federation NO Norway (Kingdom) ES Spain Be Sweden (Kingdom) CH Switzerland CN China BG UK US.