1. Trademark application fee: the fee for submitting the trademark registration application for the first time.
2. Preliminary examination fee: After the initial submission, the Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong will conduct a preliminary examination of the trademark, which may involve additional fees.
3. Registration fee: After the trademark has passed the examination, it is required to pay the registration fee.
4. Renewal fee: After the trademark is registered, the renewal fee shall be paid at regular intervals to maintain the effective registration of the trademark.
According to the policy and rate changes of the Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong, the specific amount of official fees may be different. It is suggested to consult the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department or professional trademark agency before submitting an application for trademark registration to obtain the latest official fee information and detailed fee structure.
The above contents were carefully arranged by Zhu Bajie. Com, I hope I can help you.