Cheap trademarks refer to trademarks with relatively low trademark registration fees. Trademark is the identity of a company. Trademark recognition can help consumers identify and distinguish different brands. However, trademark registration fees are relatively high, especially for trademarks of well-known brands. Therefore, in order to save costs, some companies choose to register cheaper trademarks. These trademarks may not be well-known, but they can provide businesses with basic trademark protection.
Although cheap trademarks can save business costs, they also bring some risks and impacts. First, cheap trademarks may be similar or identical to other trademarks. This can lead to trademark rejection or infringement disputes. Secondly, cheap trademarks are not well-known and fail to bring sufficient brand awareness to the company. This will affect the company's competitiveness in the market, which in turn affects sales performance.
When selecting a trademark, factors such as the trademark's applicability, uniqueness, and popularity should be considered. Enterprises can determine the appropriate trademark type and price through market research and their own positioning. If you choose a more popular trademark, you can appropriately add auxiliary logos or special designs to enhance the trademark's visibility and recognition. Only by comprehensively considering the company's resource status and development plan and choosing the appropriate trademark type and plan can we provide better protection for the development of the company.