The label glue on the plastic bottle can be soaked in water and cleaned with a brush, cleaning ball, and wind oil essence, and then wiped clean with a towel.
Tools/Materials: Plastic bottles, brushes, cleaning balls, essential oils, towels.
1. Soak in clean water and tear off the easy-to-tear off parts. Leave the areas that are too firmly stuck first. Soak the bottle in a basin of clean water to allow the remaining labels to absorb enough water.
2. After soaking with a brush, use a brush to brush off most of the wet labels.
3. Use a cleaning ball and then a metal cleaning ball to gently wipe off the remaining labels.
4. If there is residual sticker after using Fengyoujing, apply Fengyoujing on the sticker again.
5. Wipe it clean with a towel. Wipe off the essential oil with a dry cloth, then wash it with clean water and dry it. The label on the bottle will be basically removed.