1. If your credit card is overdue, it is most effective to negotiate with the card-issuing bank, because this is the creditor. If your credit card is overdue, you can call the customer service hotline of the card-issuing bank and transfer it to manual service for negotiation. The best way is to go directly to the branch of the card-issuing bank to express your difficulties to the staff and negotiate whether the repayment can be postponed, or part of the interest can be reduced or exempted, etc. , it is best to provide proof of recent personal difficulties or proof of inability to repay. After your credit card is overdue, you must find a way to repay it, because interest will compound and the interest will increase. Banks have countless ways for you to pay off the principal and interest. It is better to negotiate in a timely manner.
2. Credit card overdue negotiation skills:
Submit a negotiation application before it is overdue, and take the initiative to call the bank to indicate that your current economic situation is not good, and apply for deferred repayment and Partial interest exemption;
If the bank refuses to negotiate repayment, don’t be discouraged at this time. You can choose the lowest repayment first to ensure that you are not overdue;
Persist for 1-2 months. , and then submit an application for negotiated repayment. At this time, the bank may agree to negotiated repayment based on the user's repayment behavior;
1. Overdue credit card credit records will be eliminated within a few years:
Overdue credit card credit records will generally be kept for 5 years and will be automatically deleted after 5 years. However, the credit record is rolling, and when applying for a bank loan or credit card business, the bank pays more attention to the credit record of the past two years. If there is an overdue credit card record a long time ago, there is no need to be too nervous, as long as you maintain a good credit record in the future. It is still possible to apply for a loan or credit card and be successful. However, if the credit card is overdue a lot, the impact will be serious. It is best to repay on time when using a credit card.
2. Is a credit card overdue once considered serious?
A credit card overdue once may not have much impact, but after all, there is no benefit to overdue, and it may also lead to very serious consequences. . Therefore, when using credit cards, everyone should develop a good habit of repaying on time to avoid overdue payments. If your credit card usage record has always been good, but you accidentally overdue it once, as long as you pay off the balance in time, there will be no serious consequences. But if you fail to repay overdue this time, it will still cause many adverse effects over time, such as credit citations, personal credit being affected, overdue penalties, etc. If your credit card has always been overdue in the past, another overdue period is likely to cause your personal credit with the bank to decline again, and the bank may even lower the limit of your credit card, or Card blocking processing.