Try to use a credit card as a debit card. Credit cards can be used as overdrafts to withdraw cash. Credit card cash withdrawals require handling fees. If used as a debit card, the handling fees will increase.
Take China Merchants Bank as an example:
China Merchants Bank’s credit card cash withdrawal fees and interest methods:
China Merchants Bank’s withdrawal fees and interest calculation methods are as follows:
1. With China Merchants Bank’s credit card, you can only withdraw 2,000 yuan a day.
2. The handling fee is 1, and the gold card of Merchants generally waives the cash withdrawal handling fee.
3. The daily interest rate for a credit card cash withdrawal is 0.5% per day
4. For example, if you withdraw 2,000 yuan, the calculation method without calculating the cash withdrawal fee is 2000*10,000%. Five = 1 yuan, one day’s interest is 1 yuan.