Credit cards are really not unfamiliar to modern people. Some people even have four or five credit cards. The use of credit cards brings a lot of convenience to our lives.
This may be the reason why the man in the question owed 175 yuan on his credit card and ended up paying more than 20,000 yuan. When using credit cards, repayments are not made on time and the arrears are too long. This contributes interest and handling fees to the bank.
So friends who have credit cards must be aware of the precautions when using credit cards.
First, whether to charge an annual fee. There is no annual fee for ordinary credit cards if they are not activated, but some high-end credit cards will also charge high annual fees if they are not activated. For this, you need to call the bank where the credit card belongs and ask the staff.
Second, it cannot be borrowed. It is best not to lend your credit card to others. If someone else uses your credit card and causes overdue repayment, the bank will hold the cardholder responsible.
Third, don’t consume blindly. Credit cards have a certain limit. If your consumption exceeds what you can afford and you cannot repay it on time, you must stop consumption. Otherwise, overdue payments will be recorded in the bank's credit reporting system, which will affect future bank credit services. And the default interest is also very high, calculated from the day of consumption.
Fourth, prevent credit card financing scams. Credit cards have a certain limit, and the higher the limit, the better, which means you can borrow more money from the bank. Some fraud organizations use this to defraud money. They will tell you? Professionally and quickly increase the credit card limit in 30 minutes, up to 200,000? It is free in the early stage, and there will be charges after the increase? Wait, after you believe it, maybe the original money in your card will be gone, and you may pay it one at a time. I paid a lot of handling fees, but it wasn’t until tens of thousands of dollars were gone that I realized I had been cheated.
To sum up, you must be extremely careful when using credit cards. If you are satisfied with my answer, I hope you will give me a like, thank you.