1. The available credit limit on the credit card is not enough and the payment cannot be made. It is recommended to repay the amount first before using the credit card.
2. The available quota for the day has been used. It is recommended to purchase and use it another day, or to change the payment method.
3. The credit card has not been activated for online banking or quick payment. It is recommended to use it after it is activated.
1. China Merchants Bank Credit Card Mall address.
To shop online, you must first know the online address: /ccclub/mallhome.aspx. After opening the address, you can log in. If you have not registered, you need to register an account first and then open online banking.
2. Mall product introduction.
Currently, the China Merchants Bank Credit Card Mall ***has a club*** and has 4,300 products, including: 14 special offers, 4,098 order products, and 191 points products.
Group purchase of 60 items. Product types cover a wide range of categories, including notebooks, computers, communications, home appliances, digital audio-visuals, jewelry, watches, skin care and cosmetics, clothing accessories, etc.
These products can be purchased online by redeeming points, ordering or paying in installments.
3. Shopping process. The figure below details the shopping process of China Merchants Bank Credit Card Mall.
IV. Sales and after-sales service of goods ordered by credit card
China Merchants Bank announced that suppliers will strictly follow the relevant laws and consumer protection regulations in China to handle quality issues of ordered goods. and provide after-sales service for goods. The cardholder or the end user of the ordered goods can inquire the supplier for relevant information through the product manual, warranty card, invoice and other related materials included in the box of the ordered goods.
If the goods arrive damaged (or defective or lacking), the cardholder should apply to the supplier for replacement or warranty service within 15 natural days after signing for the goods.
Matters related to the purchase and sale of goods, product quality, delivery and after-sales service are all provided by the supplier. If there is a dispute over exchange of goods, after-sales service or other related matters, the cardholder shall negotiate with the supplier. If the cardholder has any questions about the content of the goods, he may directly negotiate with the supplier.
5. Delivery and receipt of goods ordered by credit card
After receiving the notice of approval from China Merchants Bank, the supplier will deliver the goods purchased by the cardholder. To the delivery address specified by the cardholder, the delivery will be deemed completed after the designated consignee signs.
In order to ensure the correct delivery of the goods and protect the interests of the cardholder, the designated consignee must present a valid certificate, and after verification by the freight personnel, deliver the goods and ask the designated consignee to sign for receipt.
The delivery city of the product is determined based on the supplier's logistics capabilities. For details, please refer to the China Merchants Bank event promotion page or website announcement.