You can pay it off, but there will be a lot of interest every month! You can always pay the minimum payment on a credit card. As long as you pay off the minimum payment, your personal credit will not be affected. However, the minimum repayment amount can only be used as an emergency and emergency measure and should not become a habit of credit card repayment. This is because the minimum repayment amount does not enjoy the interest-free policy, and the monthly compound interest calculation model is adopted, so the cost of using the card is higher.
Credit cards are divided into credit cards and quasi-credit cards. Credit cards refer to credit cards in which the cardholder has a certain credit limit and can consume within the credit limit and then repay; quasi-credit card It refers to a quasi-credit card in which the cardholder deposits a certain amount of reserve fund as required. When the reserve account balance is insufficient to pay, the cardholder can overdraw within the prescribed credit limit. The so-called credit card generally refers to a credit card only.
Starting from January 1, 2021, the credit card overdraft interest rate will be determined independently by the card issuer and the cardholder through independent negotiation, and the upper and lower limit management of credit card overdraft interest rates will be cancelled. The daily interest rate is 0.7 times 5/10,000)
Credit card repayment methods
The methods within the issuing bank include: card issuing bank counter, ATM, online banking, automatic transfer, and telephone banking repayment etc. After repayment, the credit card limit will be restored immediately, and the payment will generally be credited to the account after the system processes it on the same day.
Weiyintong POS mobile phone and Weiyintong POS mobile phone are a mobile financial system personal payment terminals that can be used to directly repay by swiping cards, as well as perform transfers and other services. Instant payment!
Transfer/remittance repayment is mainly divided into two methods: inter-bank inter-bank in the same city and inter-bank inter-bank in different places. Regardless of the method of transfer or remittance, the remittance bank will charge a certain fee. At the same time, the time it takes for the money to arrive and the convenience of repayment are not as good as intra-peer repayment, online repayment, convenience store repayment and other methods.
The more common domestic online platforms for online repayment include: UnionPay Online, Kuaiqian, Shengfutong, Alipay, Tenpay, etc. Depending on the platform and bank you choose, the charging standards and specific payment arrival time will be different.
This method of convenience store repayment is mainly completed through the "Lakala" smart payment terminal installed in the convenience store. Generally, the payment time takes 2 to 3 working days. At the same time, using this There is no handling fee for repayment.
Counter repayment counter refers to bank cards issued by various networked financial institutions, which can be used to conduct RMB current deposit and withdrawal transactions through the counters of other bank branches registered in the UnionPay exchange center host system.
The "Xinpaytong" smart credit card phone for repayment is an innovative electronic product independently developed by China UnionPay, certified by the Bank Card Testing Center, and supported by financial services provided by China UnionPay's inter-bank information exchange network.
Repayment Tong uses "Repayment Tong" to repay, and the fees are generally charged according to the fee standards for intra-city inter-bank transfers and long-distance inter-bank remittances stipulated by the local People's Bank of China.
Other methods In addition to the methods mentioned above, card issuers have also opened their own unique repayment methods in order to facilitate cardholders' repayment.