If you don't have a credit card or the credit limit is insufficient, you can ask your relatives and friends who have a credit card to guarantee for you. The guarantor must bring a valid ID card and enough credit cards to the store to pick up the car with you, and sign the car rental form. The guarantor will bear unlimited joint and several liability for all expenses and responsibilities incurred during your rental period.
Extended data:
Proof of identity can be used as proof of identity for renting a car:
Domestic customers: second-generation ID cards.
Hong Kong and Macao customers: Hong Kong and Macao residents' passes to and from the Mainland.
Customers in Taiwan Province Province: Mainland Pass.
Foreign customers: passport, visa/residence permit.
When picking up a car, there are mainly the following steps:
1. Show your ID at the store;
2. Brush the pre-authorization of the first car rental;
3. Sign the car rental form;
4. Vehicle inspection;
5. Drive a vehicle.
Auto company-help center